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You control the snake with your arrows like you do with normal snake.
The boxes are the arrow keys on your keyboard. As the up key stands in the upper box means that the up arrow is moving your snake up, if in the top boxstands an arrow to the left, that means that the up arrow is moving our snake to the right. The same counts for the other buttons.
If you eat an apple there will start chaos.
There are four things that can happen.
1: the buttons change.
2: an extra snake apears that you also control in the same matter.
3: an alien invasion, don't touch the aliens! If you shoot two bullets at an alien(press space) it will die.
4: a bullet hell, just go as fast as possible to the apple!
Hp and score.
for every apple that you eat you gain a point and a life.
you can lose lifes on two ways: getting hit by an alien, and if your damageis 0. that will then substract a life and set the damage counter back to .3.
Hope you like it!
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